Panini Absolute Football Hobby Box NFL 2024

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Each Box contains One Rookie Premiere Materials Autograph, Two other Autographs, Two Memorabilia Cards, One Insert, Two Parallels, One Rookie Card, and Six Base Cards!

The longtime collecting juggernaut that is Absolute Football returns for the 2024 season equipped to impress with some of the most desirable autograph and autograph memorabilia cards of the early season. The product delivers a stacked checklist featuring the hottest rookies, the best veterans and the most iconic legends.

Absolute's calling-card inclusions such as Rookie Premiere Materials, Tools of the Trade Materials and more return with bold new designs and star-studded checklists.

Few products deliver the kind of case-chase bang that Absolute does with horizontal and vertical Kaboom! stunners and Explosive.


BASE: The longtime collecting juggernaut that is Absolute Football returns for the 2024 season equipped to impress with some of the most desirable autograph and autograph memorabilia cards of the early season. The product delivers a stacked checklist, featuring the hottest rookies, the best veterans and the most iconic legends.

MEMORABILIA/AUTOGRAPHS: Absolute's calling-card inclusions such as Rookie Premiere Materials, Tools of the Trade Materials and more return with bold new designs and star-studded checklists.

INSERTS: Few products deliver the kind of case-chase bang that Absolute does with horizontal and vertical Kaboom! stunners and Explosive.

3 Packs Per Box, 5 Cards Per Pack

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