Topps WWE Wrestling Fully Loaded Hobby Box 2021

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Each Box contains a rare encased Autograph or an Autograph Relic!

Returning for 2021, the popular Topps WWE Fully Loaded product will again provide new and exciting autographs, and some autograph relics that have never been featured before.

Collect pieces of WWE history with every box!


Autographed Cards:

Future Stars Autographs: Be one of the first to collect autographs from some of the most promising, up-and-coming talent from the WWE and NXT rosters.

Legends Autographs: Look for autographs from some iconic WWE Legends

Parallels include:

- Emerald - numbered to 99
- Citrine - numbered to 75
- Onyx - numbered to 50
- Sapphire - numbered to 25
- Ruby - numbered 1 of 1
- Printing Plates - numbered 1 of 1, 4 colors

Autographed Relic Cards:

Autographed Relic cards will contain on-card signatures and event-used relics from premier WWE Superstars!

Autographed Gear Relic Cards: Containing actual Superstar-worn ring gear from your favorite Superstars.

Autographed Table Relic Cards: Featuring authentic, event-used table relics.

Autographed Ladder Relic Cards: Including authentic, event-used ladder relics.

Autographed Metal Chair Relic Cards: Highlighting Superstars and authentic, event-used chair relics.

Parallels include:

- Citrine - numbered to 75
- Onyx - numbered to 50
- Sapphire - numbered to 25
- Ruby - numbered 1 of 1

Autographed Oversized Mat Relic Cards: Featuring authentic, event-used, oversized mat relics. Superstars will autograph the surface of the mat.

Autographed Turnbuckle Relic Cards: Featuring authentic, event-used turnbuckle pad relics.

NEW! Autographed Trash Can Relic Cards: For the first time ever, Topps will feature authentic, event-used trash can relics in cards!

Parallels include:

- Emerald - numbered to 99
- Citrine - numbered to 75
- Onyx - numbered to 50
- Sapphire - numbered to 25
- Ruby - numbered 1 of 1

One Encased Auto/Auto Relic Per Box

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